
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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OrigaTrod Kit - Rotating Disk Electrode

OrigaTrod Kit - Rotating Disk Electrode

(Código: X13OGL018R)

Same length than the EDI101 (A35T040) from Radiometer

OrigaTrod Kit which includes:
  • OrigaTrod: Rotating Disc Electrode with digital encoder - 100 to 10,000 rpm - Without tips
  • OrigaBox: Speed Controller for Rotating Electrode
  • US or Euro Power Supply 
  • USB key for PC Software
  • 2m USB cord 
  • OrigaDoc: User's Guide
  • Case
OrigaTrod Kit which includes:

OrigaTrod: Rotating Disc Electrode with digital encoder (same as EDI101 Radiometer, A35T040) - 100 to 10,000 rpm - Without tips
OrigaBox: Speed Controller for Rotating Disc Electrode (RDE)
US or Euro Power Supply 
USB key for PC Software
2m USB cord 
OrigaDoc: User's Guide

The OrigaTrod Kit is delivered in a such box, without tips and without sample-holder. 

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