
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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OrigaSens - Combined pH Electrode

OrigaSens - Combined pH Electrode

(Código: OGPH203)

pH Electrode Epoxy body
Length: 103mm
Diameter: 12mm
Electrolyte: 3M KCl + saturated AgCl
Reference element: Ag/AgCl
Range of pH: 0-12
150,00 EUR (EU only)

 Element pH
 Electrolyte  3M KCl + saturated AgCl
 Combined Yes
 Similar to pHC3005
 Temperature -5°C to 80°C 
 Diameter 12 mm 
 Range of pH 0-12 
 Length 103 mm 
 Junction Porous
 Grinded No
 Connection  Screw Head S7