
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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OrigaSens - Conductivity Cell

OrigaSens - Conductivity Cell

(Código: OGEPOXY002)

Conductivity Cell
Length: 103mm
Diameter: 12mm
2 poles
Platinized Platinum plates

225,00 EUR (EU only)

 Body Epoxy
 Electrolyte  -
 Type -
 Similar to CDC745-9, with two Platinum plates
 Temperature 0°C to 100°C 
 Diameter 12 mm 
 Compatibility CDM 210/230, CDM92 et CDM83  
 Length 103 mm 
 Number of poles Platinized 2 poles
 Grinded Non
 Connection  Screw Head S7