
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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EDI101 and CTV101

EDI101 and CTV101
Something wrong with your EDI101 and/or CTV101?

As the official fixer of Radiometer Analytical, OricaLys takes care of the maintenance and repair of the Rotating Disc Electrode EDI101 and the Speed Controller CTV101.

Meterlab range

Meterlab range
You have an instrument from the MeterLab range of Radiometer Analytical ?

You have a pH-Education?

You have a PHM201, 210, 220, 240, 250 or 290?

You have a CDM210 or 230?

Officially, OrigaLys provides the maintenance of all the Potentiostats from Radiometer Analytical and so can give you a repair diagnostic.

VoltaLab Range

VoltaLab Range
You have one of the systems from the VoltaLab range 10, 21, 40, 50 or 80; PST006, PGZ100, PGP201, PST050, PGZ301 or PGZ402?

You still have a potentiostat from Tacussel

These systems are not working well anymore? Officially, OrigaLys provides the maintenance of all the Potentiostats from Radiometer Analytical and so can give you a repair diagnostic.